Member 10 years


Light commercials Cacak

Address: 16 Atenica, Cacak
Viber: 064/015-66-50
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Services available throughout Serbia Services available throughout Serbia
Sending via mail / courier services Sending via mail / courier services
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Works out in the field Works out in the field
In business since 2013.

Your car, van, truck, bus or other vehicle can be extremely cheap and effective advertising, and your brand seen and present in different places and at different times.

An investment that pays off the most.

A large selection of top quality materials, gives us a wide range of possibilities, a good design embellishes each vehicle.

We print on modern equipment of high-resolution, high-quality materials to ensure durability and stability in all weather conditions.

We offer the extra protection of your vehicle from damage caused rejected stones from the road.

Beautify your vehicle dimming glass and thus fully protect yourself and your companions from UV radiation.

Branding your objects, ie. placing banners and graphics, can be done in several ways using a variety of printing techniques, cutting PVC self adhesive foil, to the production of neon signs, totems, road signs, 3D letters, labels, etc.

We can also offer the only service branding and installation of your material and advertising (self-adhesive PVC foil, banner, illuminated advertising, totem ...).

We use the highest quality materials and consequently we give a guarantee on their services. For associates have the most experienced graphic designers, engineers and many others to make your demands in terms of aesthetics come to the fore.

Show us your trust and you can see the high quality of our services.

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Monday 07:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 15:00
Thursday 07:00 - 15:00
Friday 07:00 - 15:00
Saturday 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday We are closed