When you need car metalwork or repairs for your engine, van, truck, bus or other vehicles, you can come to us because we can guarantee you the highest quality services thanks to our years of work and experience.
Our services include:
- Preparation
- Polyester preparation
- Welding plastics
- Protection
- Straightening on a beam
- Painting
By using modern tools and techniques, our experienced team of mechanics will repair all the smaller damages in your vehicle. In addition, AUTO GRUJIC offers you repairs for heavy metalwork damages and totaled vehicles by using patterns for all types and brands of vehicles.
AUTO GRUJIC offers you full metalwork services at attractive as well as repairs for your totalled vehicles.
At our service we provide you with full vehicle painting using the highest quality paint which give your vehicles its old shine and appearance.
AUTO GRUJIC has years of experience behind it and many contracts with various famous companies such as: Transport Niz, Fenix Cacak, Autoprevoz Cacak, Autoprevoz Kavim and many others who have all the trust in us.
Always open to cooperating,