Funeral services Ivanjica

Address: nn Kej Brace Damjanovic st., Ivanjica
Viber: 066/63-88-103
Whatsapp: 066/63-88-103
Services available throughout Serbia Services available throughout Serbia
Open 24hrs Open 24hrs
Works on Sundays Works on Sundays
Wheelchair accessible Wheelchair accessible
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Parking Parking
Wifi WiFi
Delivery Delivery
Works out in the field Works out in the field
In business since 2008

With you in your hardest moments.

We transport the deceased in our country and abroad. 

In addition to transportation we also offer the following services:

  • Preparing, dressing and bathing the deceased
  • Grave digging
  • Catering
  • Undertaking equipment per your wishes and standards
  • Awning rental 


Food preparation per your wishes and order. 

We offer all kinds of fatty or lent-friendly food depending on whether you want it in packets or served on tables. 

You can also order sweet pastries (regular and lent-friendly) as well as drinks. 

Our undertaking company “SAMCO WORLD” D.O.O. has an agreement with the Republic Fund for Pension and Health Insurance. 

The contract gives you the ability to get all the required undertaking equipment without paying while the PIO fund bears all the expenses. 

FUNERAL SAMCO WORLD LTD, nn Kej Brace Damjanovic st., Ivanjica
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