Member 5 years


Refrigeration services Mladenovac

Address: 10a Slavka Manojlovica st., Mladenovac
Viber: 064/268-55-38
Services available throughout Serbia Services available throughout Serbia
Works on Sundays Works on Sundays
Works out in the field Works out in the field
In business since 2016.

Over 15 years of experience servicing and maintaining floor washing machines, appliances and other electronic devices.

- We service modern floor washing machines
- We sell spare parts
- We install and service air-conditioning
- Appliance servicing
- Appliance sales and purchasing
- Janitorial services

Visit us in our second store in Sopot at 10 slavka Manojlovica  street.

ELECTRO SERVICE, 10a Slavka Manojlovica st., Mladenovac
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