Member 10 years


Auto services Sabac

Address: 80 Kralja Petra I st, Pocerski Pricinovic
Viber: 063/228-376
Whatsapp: 063/228-376
Services available throughout Serbia Services available throughout Serbia
Sending via mail / courier services Sending via mail / courier services
Works out in the field Works out in the field
In business since 1997.
Distance from the city center of Sabac: 3500 m
Through an administrative ban / installment

Auto Service Stepic - King Peter I 80, Sabac, operating since 1997 and deals with service vehicle brands Opel and Ford. Service has the latest car-diagnostic devices, as well as original tools to work. Auto Service Stepic highly skilled staff has perfected the use of new methods of work on the latest vehicle models the manufacturer Opel and Ford. Service offers its customers a guarantee on labor and parts installed. In record time solves the problem of missing parts and service for your vehicle, as well as sheet metal and paint on a car damaged by a turnkey. Service on your vehicle can be scheduled by phone: 015/39 12 42 or on site service. Auto Service Stepic - Used Parts Under the name Auto Service Stepic of its establishment in 1997. year, and operates waste-Auto, or sale of used parts for all types of vehicle manufacturer Opel and Ford. Permanent imports of used cars for parts from Italy - every 7 days. Purchase of damaged and destroyed vehicles for parts at the best prices. The possibility of selling and installing used parts on site, as well as supply of used parts to order. Auto Service Stepic has its own towing service and provides free shuttle service (deadheading) to service all its customers.

CAR WASTE AND CAR SERVICE STEPIC, 80 Kralja Petra I st, Pocerski Pricinovic
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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 15:00
Sunday We are closed