Member 10 years


Auto services Sabac

Address: 81 Vojvode Janka Stojicevica st., Sabac
Viber: 064/305-64-68
Works out in the field Works out in the field
In business since 2015.

Diesel service Zunic offers you servicing for Bosch pumps and service for truck and tractor pumps and Common rail nozzles.

Thanks to our years of experience and work professionalism we solve your any problem in the shortest possible time.

Our service uses the latest equipment and apparatus Bosch EFEP-515 and Hartrige CRI-PC which allows us to reliably control the regularity of the entire system including pumps, nozzles, pressure sensors and pressure regulators.

Diesel service Zunic offers you:

-Bosch pump servicing
-Common Rail nozzles servicing
-Truck pump servicing
-Tractor pump servicing
-Bosch work machine pump servicing
-Nozzle servicing
-Full vehicle diagnostics.

Bosch pumps are high pressure pumps that act as the heart of every diesel engine and its main role is to inject fuel into individual cyllinders so that it can power the diesel engine.

Service of Bosch pumps is advised after every 100000 travelled kilometers because that way you improve its work parameters, reduce fuel usage and emision of harmful materials.

Bosch pump servicing at our service involves replacing all expendable parts and the pump is calibrated using special tools. Our experienced team of mechanic will peform all needed tests and precise tuning on the testing table when working on diesel pumps and the pump is statically adjusted.

For proper functioning of diesel engine service Zunic offers you nozzle testing.

DIESEL SERVICE ZUNIC, 81 Vojvode Janka Stojicevica st., Sabac
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Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
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