Women's entrepreneurship

Jelisaveta Besenji
1. How and at what moment did you come up with the idea to start your own business?
About 16 years ago, specifically in 2006, the idea to start a family business with my dad was born. We had an old family house built over 200 years ago. That's when rural tourism began to develop in Bački Monoštor. Unfortunately, my dad passed away, but I decided to continue our idea. In 2007, I started renovating the house. I wanted to start my own business.
2. Have you always wanted to pursue your current activity?
I've always loved natural sciences, although I graduated from high school with a legal background. I worked as a secretary in Sombor and later as a hygienist in the Bački Monoštor pharmacy. Education about rural tourism held in Monoštor also contributed to this decision. That's when I realized I wanted to try my hand at entrepreneurship in rural tourism.
3. What are you proud of in your business?
This job requires dedication. When an idea is born and there's a will to do the work, we mustn't falter. I faced various difficulties, but if there's love for the work at hand, everything can be accomplished. One must show creativity and dedication to the job at every moment. Kindness is crucial, and presenting one's work, space, and the connection between nature and humans in a beautiful and loving way is important.
4. What is the secret of your success? (List three attributes, behaviors, beliefs, or abilities)
Belief in oneself and the desire for progress. There's much progress to be made in this business. We gain a lot of experience through communication with people, various educations, at fairs, and seminars. This job is a source of endless ideas. Here we can showcase our creativity, imagination, abilities, hospitality, and business acumen.
5. How understanding has your environment been, and who has been your greatest support?
The community observed my work. The local community and some residents helped with the house renovations. Some donated items they wanted to preserve from oblivion. This job is new to my family. My dad was a furrier, my grandpa a knitter, my grandma a farmer, and homemaker. Their knowledge passed down to me, my children, and later my family has been a great help.
6. What is your guiding principle?
To live in harmony with nature and pass on knowledge to future generations!
7. Do you have role models who have motivated or motivate you to continue working?
The motivation comes from the old-fashioned streets and houses, a house transformed to accommodate guests and serve the purpose of education, showcasing the construction and lifestyle in such houses. The motivation to continue working stems from the guests' interest in the lifestyle in such houses and the items within them, the preparation of homemade meals, and living in harmony with nature.
8. What have you had to give up?
This job requires activity, constant promotion, education, and being available to guests. We plan our free time according to the arrival of guests.
9. What has driven you forward, and how have you stayed motivated during tough times?
The desire to showcase something original and to prove that life is possible without today's technology. Good people who thank me for the lovely presentation, wonderful stay, and excellent meals motivate me.
10. Why is it better for a woman to be an entrepreneur rather than being employed in a company?
A woman brings a lot of emotions into her work and presents her job in her own way. When you do what you love, the job is much more enjoyable and of higher quality. Her creativity and knowledge about the job come to the fore.
11. How would you advise new female entrepreneurs or a younger version of yourself?
Follow your ideas and plan according to your abilities. Persevere and be persistent in achieving your goal. Work with love, as it will bring results later on.
12. On a scale of 1-10, how challenging is it to be a female entrepreneur in Serbia? (or being in a "male profession")
It's very challenging. It used to be very difficult for a woman to enter a male-dominated world. Now it's at a 5 on the scale. One must be educated, informed, fair, follow their beliefs, and stick to the path we've chosen. Firm, decisive. Fight for your goals.
13. When you're a woman in the business world, how common are indecent proposals?
We shouldn't be swayed by various private or business offers. Don't rush into new challenges. Verify business partners. It's best to work according to your abilities, learn, and keep learning. Learning is the mother of knowledge.
14. Where exactly do you see yourself in 5 years?
Each year, according to our abilities, we should progress. Offer guests something new to see, whether it's a small or significant novelty. People are satisfied with small things, but if they're done with love and from the heart, they appreciate the effort and dedication. Solutions exist for everything; we just need to seek them. The most beautiful thing is kind words and a smile when given.
Ethno house “Mali Bodrog”, Backi Monostor, SomborEtno kuća Mali Bodrog, Bački Monoštor, Sombor
I wish for every traveler to find their way to the doors of the ethno home “Mali Bodrog”. We invite all our guests to step into our beautiful yard which now also has an even more beautiful summer house, covered in all new reeds and interwoven with vines. Next to is is a wonderful park and a flower-covered hill out of a fairy tale.
The song of birds and the cries of roosters will wake you up in the morning, while crickets will put you to sleep at night in our pleasant and comfy rooms.
We also invite you to sit by our cozy fire, usually while a fish or other kind of stew is bubbling in its pot and enjoy the delicious meals prepared by our chefs and pleasant music from our 'tamburitza band', whose songs will touch your heart and soul.
Try our home-cooked specialties, excellent honey mead and Monostor wines with spicy pepperoni and sausages and some crackling biscuits and delicious rolls because why not.
We want all our guests to feel at home.
We happily invite you to continue to visit our home and relieve the old, traditional customs with the breath of nature that permeates every bit of our estate.

Monday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Saturday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Sunday | 08:00 - 20:00 |