Member 10 years


Restaurants Stari Banovci

Address: 71 Dimitrija Tucovica st., Stari Banovic
Viber: 064/243-56-47
Works on Sundays Works on Sundays
Wheelchair accessible Wheelchair accessible
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Parking Parking
Wifi WiFi
In business since 2006.

In our restaurant, Villa Obrad celebrate your important dates completely relaxed with friends with the local cuisine and music of your choice. For a complete ambience is superb care caterers and restaurants, and friendly staff can fully enjoy and focus on your guests. Restaurant Villa Obrad is able to accommodate up to 700 guests at one time or depending on your needs it is possible to rent a small room that holds up to 200 guests or a large hall that can seat up to 500 guests (both halls are usually interconnected), the entire space is air conditioned for all guest parking is provided. In addition to the organization of weddings, christenings and other celebrations, our space, and room service can be rented and set as you need for business presentations, conferences and product promotion.  There is a possibility of agreement and changes, possibility of renting the space to our servants and your food and so on. We can not let the decoration of rooms, to provide you with photographers, cameramen and the entire organization if you have not already provided or are not sure.

VILLA OBRAD, 71 Dimitrija Tucovica st., Stari Banovic
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