Member 15 years


Gynecological offices Valjevo

Address: 37 Pop Lukina st., Valjevo
In business since 1991.

Clinic Jokic

Clinic Jokic health institution that was founded in 2012 and the establishment of which is grounded experience Gynecology TTA - Jokic , founded 24 June in 1991. year.

The company which was organized as a private healthcare facility that meets the high standards of the professional, technological and spatial sense , which employs doctors , nurses and support staff high professional, ethical and professional awareness . Services are conducted in an outpatient clinic .

GYNECOLOGY CLINIC provides the female population of all ages. Caring for the health of female children , pregnant women , women in active reproductive period , women with fertility problems , and menopausal women , was held from the very beginning . The foundation of business practice health care of the female population throughout life. Trust and relationships built with patients is 21 years of practice exists and works .

Services provided by the clinic :
gynecological examination , diagnostics and treatment of changes in the cervix , pap smears , HPV typing , colposcopy , biopsy , fractional curettage ; radiowave therapy and laser therapy ; vaginal smears and cervical chlamydia , ureaplasma , mycoplasma , and bacteriological tests ; ultrasound breast genital organs ; color Doppler , 4D ultrasound ; early diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy, ultrasound screening in pregnancy and 4D ultrasound in pregnancy ; early amniocentesis ; gynecological endocrinology , diagnostics and implementation of menopause hormone replacement therapy ; hormonal tests , foliculometre and other non-invasive diagnosis and therapy marital infertility ultrasonic testing of tubal patency ( HSSG ) spermogram , application of assisted procedures ( IUI ) , protection against unwanted pregnancy and modern contraceptive methods , laboratory analysis ; consultative psychologist.

OFFICE FOR EYE DISEASES organized as a diagnostic therapeutic practice . Based on years of experience of doctors who work there , is committed to each patient a high professional level of service , maximum confidence and comfort.

Services provided by the clinic :
određivenje visual acuity at distance and near , with and without correction, examination of the anterior segment of the eye , intraocular pressure measurement , tests for dry eye , membrane replacement therapy , review of the posterior segment of the eye in direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy , color vision testing , inspection wide field of view ( particularly important in monitoring glaukomatoznih patients) , ultrasound REVIEW eye and orbit , a significant review of the posterior segment of the eye in the case of opaque ocular media , as well as in the monitoring of certain endocrine diseases , preparation for cataract surgery with intraocular lens power determination , follow-up care of patients , and tips for better preservation of visual acuity of degenerative and metabolic disorders.

POLYCLINIC TTA - JOKIC, 37 Pop Lukina st., Valjevo
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Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 14:00
Sunday We are closed