Member 5 years


Lodging Vrsac

Address: 8 Dimitrija Tucovica st., Vrsac
Viber: 064/317-09-04
Whatsapp: 064/317-09-04
Open 24hrs Open 24hrs
Works on Sundays Works on Sundays
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Parking Parking
Wifi WiFi
In business since 2015.

Accommodations in the center of Vrsac, around 300m away from the square.

We offer single, double and three-bed rooms and one room with five beds.

All rooms have their own bathroom. The kitchen and dining room are common areas.

In front of the accomodations is a free parking and all rooms have wifi access.

Our prices range between 8-12eur, depending on the number of nights and the room.

ACCOMMODATION VRSAC, 8 Dimitrija Tucovica st., Vrsac
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